How do I send a text message?
CoreNexa UC: Click on Messages in the left navigation pane. Then, from the Create New icon, select New Text.
CoreNexa Mobile: Click on Messages from the Dashboard. Then, click on the plus icon in the top right-hand corner.
How do I know if my message was delivered?
Upon sending a message, a Delivered or Failed notification will display underneath the message.
Does CoreNexa SMS support emojis?
Yes. While typing a message, click the smiley face emoji, and a menu will pop up so you can select an emoji to insert.
Does CoreNexa SMS support MMS?
Yes, you can send images, videos or documents within a message.
What are the files supported for sending and receiving MMS?
The following file types are supported for sending and receiving MMS.
- Images: jpg/jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tif /tiff, svg
- Videos: 3gp, mp4, mpeg, flv, wmv, mov, avi
- Documents: vcf/vcard, zip, rtf, html, txt, pdf
How do I receive a text?
There is nothing that you need to do to start receiving SMS texts. Simply hand out your SMS number and you can start receiving texts within CoreNexa UC or the CoreNexa mobile app. Unread messages will display at the top of the list in bold.
Is there a limit to the number of recipients I can add to a message?
You can add up to 9 additional recipients.
Is there a maximum number of characters that I can send per message?
Yes, there is a limit of 1,000 characters per message.
Can I block numbers from sending me a message?
The option to exclusively block SMS or MMS is currently NOT available.
What devices can I use for sending and receiving SMS / MMS?
To send/receive texts you will need to use CoreNexa UC or the CoreNexa mobile app.
Is there a way to view date & time sent/received for a particular message?
CoreNexa UC: Simply hover over any message and you will be able to see the date and time sent/received.
CoreNexa Mobile: Timestamps display for Android and require you to swipe left for iOS.
Will I receive notifications for a new incoming text?
While in CoreNexa UC, you will receive in-app notifications. If you are logged into CoreNexa UC but on another tab, you will receive browser notifications and unread message counts. Additionally, you will receive device notifications from CoreNexa Mobile.
Can I rename a text conversation?
Yes, once a conversation has started you can click on the message title to rename the conversation. For CoreNexa mobile, simply click on the details of a text conversation to rename it.
How do I leave/mute/unmute a conversation?
CoreNexa UC: When you hover over a conversa-tion, you will notice three dots for More Actions. Simply click on the three dots and an action sheet will appear. Select “Leave” to leave a conversation, or “Mute/Unmute” to mute a conversation.
CoreNexa Mobile: Click on the details or on iOS swipe left to perform the same functions on the list view.
How can I view previous message history within a conversation?
When viewing a conversation, simply scroll up to load previous messages.
If I send or receive a message, where can I view it?
The message is available in both CoreNexa UC as well as the CoreNexa mobile app.
Is there a way for multiple users to share a number?
Currently, only one user can be assigned to a number. In a future release, we will introduce shared numbers. With shared numbers, multiple users will have the ability to send/receive from the same number.
Does CoreNexa SMS work with any number?
Yes, with Hosted SMS, any domestic telephone number (TN) provisioned on the CoreNexa Platform can be SMS-enabled.