TelNexa IPs (added on 9/17/2019)
General Settings
There can be no SIP ALG's enabled on any devices between the phones and the TelNexa cloud system. SIP ALG's are enabled by default on many router models and may also be enabled on the ISP's equipment. If phones are having problems registering, disable any feature that references SIP ALG, SIP Helper or most likely anything that references SIP. You may download and run the SIP ALG Detector linked below to helpĀ in your discoveries.
Many routers also have a UDP Timeout setting. If this setting exists, it should be at 300-seconds or longer. If you are occasionally having problems receiving calls, this is typically the culprit as the router is closing the connection before phones have a chance to re-register.
VOIP Servers
The most important services for VOIP are SIP (Registration and Call Control) and RTP (Audio).
Since the introduction of SIP Proxy these may originate from different IPs depending if the Registration Type is SIP Proxy or Feature Server.
- If the type is Feature Server, both SIP and RTP will originate from that IP.
- If it is Access SBC or SIP Proxy, SIP will originate from SIP Proxy IP, and RTP from the Feature Server IP.
Access SBC/SIP Proxy:
- SIP Server: SIP Proxy server hostname is listed in Customer Settings page, Service tab, as the Registration Server; ping the hostname to get the IP.
- SIP Ports: 5060 UDP*
- RTP Server: Feature Server hostname is listed in Customer Settings page, Service tab; ping the hostname to get the IP.
- RTP Ports: 10000 - 60000 UDP
Feature Server:
- SIP and RTP Server: Feature Server hostname is listed in Customer Settings page, Service tab.
- SIP Ports: 5060 UDP*
- RTP Ports: 10000 - 60000 UDP
* Most SIP equipment works on port 5060 natively, but your router will usually NAT most phones to other ports on the WAN side.
The ports can be seen by going to the extension detail page and clicking Show Details.
An exception to this is the Edgemarc router which will handle all traffic on 5060 WAN-side by default.
Provisioning Server, which is load balanced between these 4 servers:
These IPs can change at any time, and we recommend allowing via ports rather than IPs.
Depending on the method of provisioning this will traverse on these ports:
- FTP: 21; 1024 - 1536 TCP (Passive FTP)
- HTTP: 80 TCP
- TFTP: 69 UDP
Cisco 7940/7960 phones now also provision via TFTP to
Grandstream 2000 phones provision via TFTP to
Web Server and Apps
- TCP 80 (HTTP)
- TCP 443 (HTTPS)
The PureEdge web portal server IP is
Presence information (red/green registration status indicators) and User Dashboard information is sent to your web browser from the presence server []. This works within the browser and should not require special configuration.
Comm Client works within the browser and communicates to a cluster via TCP and should not require special configuration.
SBC1 or SBC2
You do NOT have to list the IPs of the SBCs in your firewall.
The SBCs handle traffic between our network and the PSTN, not between us and your site.
Although PureEdge does not support SonicWall Firewalls, customers have reported the following necessary settings:
- Consistent NAT: This needs to be disabled (Off by defauly, but commonly enabled for other SIP Applications)
- SIP Transformation: Also needs to be disabled (setting is enabled by default)