Create a VPN Connection
The following screenshots were taken on Windows 10. These steps only need to be performed once.
1. Right-click on the Network icon on the lower right and select "Open Network & Internet settings"
2. Select "VPN"
3. Select "Add a VPN Connection"
4. Complete the VPN Connection screen:
- VPN Provider = select "Windows (Internal)"
- Connection Name = Enter whatever you like. I used "Main Office" in the image above.
- Server name of address = IP address provided by your Network Administrator
- VPN Type = select "L2TP/IPsec with pre-shared key"
- Pre-shared Key = provided by Network Administrator
- Type of sign-in info = select "User name and password"
- User name = provided by Network Adminstrator
- Password = provided by Network Administrator
4. Click "Save"
Connect to VPN
1. Left-click on the Network icon on the lower right of the screen
2. Locate and click on the Name of the connection that you created
3. Click on "Connect"
4. If everything is working properly, your computer will then establish the connection.
5. To disconnect, locate the VPN Connection again and click "Disconnect"
Instructions for establishing L2TP/IPSec connections with other operating systems can be found at