Using Communications Client
Communications Client allows users to manage video calls, voice calls, and chat sessions within a single window.
Opening Communications Client
- Log into the PureEdge portal
- Click the Chat icon to the left of the Identity Bubble (top right section of screen) to open Communications Client.
Communications Client opens in a new window.
All call and chat functions (except accessing voicemail and call history) are started from the left side panel.
The screen also contains two large areas reserved for data: Blue area for voice and video call data and Grey area for Chat data.
- If the user has voice and/or video devices, then both areas are displayed.
- If the user does not have a voice or video device, then Chat occupies the entire area.
See Screen Elements for information on navigating and customizing the Communications Client screen.
See Video Calls, Voice Calls, and Chat for information on using Communications Client.
Video Calls
Making Video Calls
You are able to make video calls if your camera status (in the top left section) is green.
You can (video) call anyone in the Users Section who also has a green camera.
NOTE: Only users (within the Organization) who have Dashboard enabled are listed in the Users Section.
- Hover over the user’s name to reveal the contact options.
- Click the video camera (in the hover area) to start a video call.
The call area of your screen is updated with outbound call status.
NOTE: Click the phone in the top right corner at any time to disconnect the call.
A preview of your (live) video image is displayed in the lower right.
When the caller answers, their live video image is displayed along with additional Call Control icons in the top right corner.
Call Controls - The following functions are available during the call.
Camera Control - Toggle your video camera on and off during the call:
- Hover over your image to reveal the green camera icon.
- Click the icon to turn off your camera.
- Click again to turn it on.
Receiving Video Calls
When a video call comes in, the information bar above the call area displays caller information and answering options.
Answering options:
- Accept the call with your video camera on.
- Both parties see each other.
- Accept the call with your video camera off.
- You see the caller; the caller cannot see you.
- Audio is transmitted both ways.
NOTE: You can switch your camera to either mode as needed during the call.
- Decline the call.
- The call is processed per your normal routing (e.g., is forwarded to voicemail).
Making and Receiving Voice Calls
Making Voice Calls - Communications Client provides several convenient ways to make voice calls.
- Voice calls can be made to any internal or external number.
- Call recipients do not need Dashboard enabled nor do they need to be users within the (caller’s) organization.
Starting Voice Calls:
Calls can be started from any section in the left side panel:
NOTE: Calls can also be started from the Call History log.
Dialpad - For calling any internal or external number.
- Click the Dialpad icon (left panel, top section) to display numeric keypad.
- Enter numbers and click Call.
Numbers are displayed in the Search Box as you type.
- Click Redial to call the last number dialed.
Tip: Open Call History to redial any recent numbers dialed.
- Click the icon again to close the Dialpad.
Search Box - For calling any internal or external number.
- Enter a number and click the phone icon.
Users Section - For calling internal dashboard users.
- Hover over any user with a green status icon (camera or circle) to reveal contact options.
- Click the phone icon
Tip: If User Names are missing from the list, make sure the Search Box is clear and filtering is off (filter icon is not blue).
Extensions Section - For calling any internal extensions.
- Hover over any name to reveal phone icon.
- Click the phone icon.
NOTE: Chat and video calling cannot be started from the Extensions Section.
Contacts Section - For calling internal or external numbers that are associated with Contacts.
- Hover over any name to reveal phone icon.
- Click the phone icon.
NOTE: Chat and video calling cannot be started from the Contacts Section.
Connecting the Call - When Communications Client dials, the call area of your screen isupdated with outbound call status.
NOTE: Click the phone in the top right corner at any time to disconnect the call.
When the caller answers, their avatar image is displayed along with additional Call Control icons in the top right corner.
Call Controls -The following functions are available during the call.
- Holding Calls - When you place a call on hold, an information panel with Resume and Disconnect icons is displayed.
- Using the DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi Frequency) Keypad
- Use the DTMF Keypad to respond to automated message prompts during a call.
- o Click the icon in the upper right area of the call screen to open and close the keypad.
Alert! The Left Panel Dialpad is not for responding to automated message prompts.
Receiving Voice Calls
When a voice call comes in, the information bar above the call area displays caller information and answering options.
Answering options:
- Accept the call.
- Decline the call.
NOTE: Declined calls are processed per your normal routing (e.g., is forwarded to voicemail).
Managing Multiple Calls
If you are on a call and another call comes in, the information bar above the call area displays additional answering options.
Answering options:
- Accept the incoming call and place the current call on hold.
- Accept the incoming call and disconnect the current call.
- Decline the incoming call and remain on the current call.
NOTE: The declined (incoming) call is processed per your normal routing (e.g., is forwarded to voicemail).
Chat can only be initiated from the Users Section.
NOTE: Only users (within the Organization) who have Dashboard enabled are listed in the Users Section.
- Click on any user name with a green status icon (camera or circle).
Tip: If User Names are missing from the list, make sure the Search Box is clear and filtering is off (filter icon is not blue).
A chat session opens in a tab in the chat area of the screen.
- Enter message and click send.
Messages are displayed sequentially along with the sender's avatar for quick identification.
Multiple Chat Sessions
If you have an active chat session and another user starts a chat, a new tab displays the user's name and number of unread messages.
- Switch between tabs to chat with multiple users.
Screen Elements
Communications Client Screen Elements
This section covers how to navigate and customize the Communications Client screen.
Communications Client always starts in a new window. The screen has two large areas reserved for data:
- Blue area for voice and video call data
- Grey area for chat data
- If the user has voice and/or video devices, then both areas are displayed.
- If the user does not have a voice or video device, then Chat occupies the entire area.
- o Icons in the top right corner provide quick access to Voicemail, Call History and Error messages.
- Once a call or chat session is started, additional action and/or status icons will appear in the call and chat areas.
Left Side Panel
All Communications Client functions (except accessing voicemail and call history)are started from the left side panel. The panel contains the following sections:
- Top Section
- Contains user information, Dialpad, Search Box, and other controls
- Users Section - for initiating voice and video calls, and Chat sessions
- Extensions Section - voice calls only
- Contacts Section - voice calls only
Left Side Panel - Top Section
The Top Section contains user information, a dialpad, and other controls. Voice calls can be initiated from the Search Box and Dialpad.
- Status Icon - indicates the your availability
- Click the icon to change your own status, or access My Profile screen or online help
- Status changes remain in effect until you change them again through the menu.
- Restarting Communications Client or the browser will not undo Status changes.
NOTE: Users can change their avatar, first and last name, and Communications Client Extension in the My Profile screen.
- User Information - includes avatar and name (same as the Identity Bubble), and Communications Client Extension
- Camera Toggle Switch - allows manual control of your camera's status
- Click to turn your video camera on or off
- Camera status remains in effect until you manually change it by clicking the icon.
- Restarting Communications Client or the browser will not reset the camera status.
NOTE: You can still receive video calls with your camera turned off.
- Dialpad Icon - toggle switch to display keypad for outbound dialing
- Click to display a numeric keypad used for making calls
- Click again to hide dialpad
- Click again to hide dialpad
- Click to display a numeric keypad used for making calls
NOTE: The Left Panel Dialpad is not for responding to automated message prompts. Use the DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi Frequency) dialpad in the call area for automated message responses.
- Search Box - for locating names or numbers
Numbers can be dialed directly from the Search Box.
NOTE: Search box parameters are cleared when Communications Client is restarted
- Status Filter - to display users with a specific status
The icon turns blue when filtering is activated (anything except All is selected).
NOTE: Filtering is reset to All when Communications Client is restarted.
Left Side Panel - Other Sections
The Users, Extensions, and Contacts sections are used for initiating voice and video calls, and Chat sessions.
- One (and only one section) must be opened at all times.
- The Users Section opens by default every time Communications Client is started.
- Open a different section by clicking the carat (v).
The new Section replaces the existing one.
Tip: Because one Section must always be opened, the reverse carat does not close Sections.
Customizing Sections:
- Click the Gear Icon to display customization options.
NOTE: Customization options are not applied the Top Section.
- Change Section Order
Drag a section name to a new position and click Save.
NOTE: No matter what position the Users Section is dragged to, it always opens by default when Communications Client is started.
- Change Sort Order
- Select a new Sort by order and click Save.
-Alphabetic sorting is based on first name.
-The new sort order is applied to all sections (Users, Extensions, and Contacts)
- Changes to Sections and Sort Order remain in effect until you manually change them.
- Restarting Communications Client or the browser will not reset Section Order and Sort Order.
Users Section
Use this section to make voice and/or video calls, check the status of other users, and chatwith other users.
- Lists all Users in your Organization (Company) who have Dashboard enabled.
- Opens by default every time Communications Client is started.
- Includes each user's avatar and name (same as the Identity Bubble), and Communications Client Extension.
- Status icons indicate each user's availability.
- Hover icons reveal options for contacting each user.
Tip: If User Names are missing from the list, make sure the Search Box is clear and filtering is off (filter icon is not blue).
Extensions Section
Use this section to locate extensions and make voice calls.
- Lists all Extensions that exist in your Hosted PBX.
- Displays the Extension Number and Extension Name
- The Extension Name may or may not be the same as the User Name.
- Extensions are displayed for users with and without Dashboard.
Contacts Section
Use this section to locate Contacts and make voice calls.
- Lists the user's Contacts and Contacts that are shared in the Hosted PBX.
Tip: Contacts are not the same as Contact Types (Administrative, Technical, and Billing).
- Displays the name and number for each contact.
- Contacts may or may not be users within in the Hosted PBX.
Other Screen Elements
Additional icons are located in the top right corner of the screen (above the blue Voice and Video Call Area):
- Voicemail Icon - Click to access Voicemail
Alert! Do not use the the Left Panel Dialpad for responding to voicemail prompts; use the DTMF Keypad.
- Call History - Click to open or close the Call History log
NOTE: Chat history is not included
- Error Message Indicator - Click to view Error messages
The icon is only displayed when errors occur.
Call History
Call History displays the most recent voice and video calls (chat sessions are not included).
- Click the Call History icon in the top right screen area.
The Call History log is displayed in the Chat area.
Tip: Hover on a record and click an icon to redial.